Important Preconception Nutrients for Men

While most of the time our culture only focuses on preconception health for women, it's important to keep in mind that the man's seed is just as much a part of his future child's health as is the woman's ovum. For this reason, a focus on preconception health in men can result in an easier time conceiving as well as a healthier child in the long run.

Luckily, obtaining preconception health for a father is largely a matter of consuming the right nutrients by getting a wide variety of healthy preconception foods. Such foods provide men with the essential nutrients and vitamins necessary to maintaining excellent sexual health and healthy sperm. These foods also provide men with doses of a special substance known as activator X, which has been shown time and time again to increase the overall health and vitality of both the father and his children.

The following nutrients are an essential part of any preconception health plan for men. These nutrients can be obtained by following a special diet that includes certain types of foods but that is generally well-rounded and full of organic, natural foods, including proteins, vegetables, fruits, and sprouted grains.

Vitamin B-12: Men who are deficient in this vitamin tend to have trouble conceiving a child due to low sperm count. Foods high in Vitamin B-12 include mollusks and liver from a variety of animals. Other B-12 rich foods include trout, salmon, beef sirloin, yogurt, and milk.

Special Hormones and Activators: Hormones and activators from other animals' organs can be helpful in establishing preconception health and virility for men. Special glands and organs from sea animals, particularly, have been used in indigenous cultures for centuries to give men a fertility boost during the preconception period. While these foods may be somewhat difficult to obtain, getting them and working them into your daily preconception diet will boost your odds of having an exceptionally healthy child.

Some foods that men should consider eating regularly include angel fish testes, skate testicles and special glands, octopus with all its organs, crab with the mustard, and other sea food with all its organs. If you cannot obtain these sources of special activators and hormones, eating foods high in activator X may increase health just as much. Activator X is a hormone produced when animals are consuming the rapidly-growing grasses of the growing season, and you can get this hormone by drinking raw milk and eating raw milk products obtained during the busiest growing season of the year.

While it may seem strange to some moderns to think of eating the organs of fish in order to increase fertility, preconception rituals and foods for men have been around for thousands of years. The cultures who have been known for having the healthiest children have also practiced using these foods to ensure that fathers were physically ready to produce healthy, vibrant offspring. By taking advantage of this ancient knowledge, you can ensure that your children, too, are vibrant and exceptionally healthy.

If you are curious and want to learn more about what you can do as a father to prepare for your coming child, check out the book Healing Our Children , which is full of even more advice on how you can physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare to father healthy, vibrant children.

Learn more natural and holistic information about fertility, pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

Healing Our Children Book Image Having a healthy child requires a special diet before you concieve. Only Healing Our Children teaches a preconception program based on wisdom from Indigenous cultures so that you can have a truley bright-eyed baby.

A happier baby means life with less stress, less sickness and knowing that you are giving your best to your children. Book topics also include, natural parenting, pregnancy diets, and how to have a safe birth.

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Feedback From Readers Who Have Nurtured Their Children with advice from Healing Our Children

This truly is a book to heal our future generation of children! - Hally Cuttner

Ramiel Nagel's book "Healing Our Children", lovingly provides holistic perspectives on the many facets of parenting and family life. Through the guidance of this book we have become more aware and enlightened parents. Overall, this book exudes an energy of life and honesty. It is a refreshing addition to the run of the mill parenting guide. Thank you Rami! - Jamie Busch, New Jersey

This book is a treasure for new families, for all those who are planning on having children or already have young kids. - Olga

In this book Rami explains the basics of how nutrition is linked to so many of these so-called "incurable" diseases. At the end of the day, there are no shortcuts. We do need to take full responsibility of raising our children properly. - Sandeep Agarwal

Pregnancy Book Healing Our Children

Healing Our Children reveals that each disease of pregnancy and childhood can be prevented naturally. The secrets of having a vibrant, bright-eyed baby are explained in easy to grasp terms.

Learn how to:
·substantially reduce your child's risk for disease.
·reduce your risk of birth defects by 1602%, miscarriage by 640%, and premature births by 315%.
·reverse infertility with 78.4% success eating real food.
·raise your child so they feel loved, honored and cherished.

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Notes From Healing Our Children Readers:

  • Healing Our Children will serve as an important tool in reversing the now obvious trend to physical degeneration and restoring vibrant health to all children.

    Sally Fallon, President,
    Weston A. Price Foundation

  • My daughter just turned 5 and we adopted the recommendations you mention in the book. I have to say that I have never seen her that happy. Always in a good mood and I've never seen a baby that smiley.


  • If you are planning to have a child, be sure to read the book, "Healing Our Children."
    "Healing Our Children" will help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy and also contribute to the health and wellness of your entire family.

    Pam Killeen,
    NY Times Best selling Author